#homeANIMATORchallenge – make your animation at home!
Those are doubtless interesting times that we are currently living through. A new reality directs us towards online creative activity. That is why, together with the British director and animation artist Lizzy Hobbs, we invite you to join the #homeANIMATORchallenge.
Use the free application Stop Motion Studio (available for free with Android, iOS) to create your own short animation. You can become animation artists without leaving the safety of your home :)
Every week we will suggest a new topic that will hopefully stir your creativity.
First theme (5-12.05.20): LONGING - objects, situations, places, people, warm memories of everyday rituals and safe normality. Let all the things that you miss, lack of or you want to bring back be the inspiration...
Second theme (12-19.05.20) BEYOND MY WORLD. Simple situations, daily habits and routines seen from another point of view. Give it a try to look at the humanity as never before - imagine the perspective of a coffee machine in an office building, a mailbox in the city center, a sparrow flying over a crowded park. For a brief moment, become a time traveler or a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization. What would be your conclusions from the observation of humanity?
Third theme (19-26.05.20) is JOY. Pleasures may be simple, but we should take them seriously. What brings you joy, where do you find it and how do you cherish the moment? Tell us and animate it!
Forth theme (26.05-2.06.20) is FUTURE. The events of past weeks have revealed the fragility of our global system and let us stop for a minute to re-think our current and future lifestyle. During the last week of #homeANIMATORchallenge, let’s look towards the future. What do you hope for? How will it change?
Click the link below for a short video instruction: CLIK
Make your own animation, tag us on FB or IG and add #homeANIMATORchallange.
We will be sharing the most interesting videos on our channels. Get started!
Lizzy Hobbs is an animation artist and director that has been making animated films for 20 years. Her films, often experimental in form, usually focus on real events and characters. Her work was presented and awarded at many film festivals world-wide, and in 2019 her film entitled ”I’m OK” was nominated for the BAFTA Award. She co-operates with the Creative Research Collective and teaches animation at the Anglia Ruskin University and the London University of The Arts.