SEARCHING FOR YOURSELF is the tagline and the corresponding main section of the programme of the 16th International Animated Film Festival ANIMATOR, which will take place between 21st and 30th June 2023 in Poznan and online between 26th and 30th of June 2023.
We would like to invite artists from all over the world to take part in creating the lineup for this section!

OPEN CALL: we invite you to send short animated forms in response to the tagline of ANIMATOR 2023 Festival - SEARCHING FOR YOURSELF. These can be animated comments, reflections and interpretations created especially in response to the Festival tagline, as well as short films made earlier, or even a long time ago. The production date does not matter. What is important is how the submitted work resonates with the 16th edition theme.
The submission deadline is February 7th, 2023.
The SEARCHING FOR YOURSELF slogan and programme section will refer to the process of formation of one's identity. It responds to the need to self-define and define one's position, role, attitude towards other people, issues, problems and challenges of the modern world. How we discover ourselves in the context of social interactions and the multiplicity of roles we assume are the main threads and issues that we will look at at the ANIMATOR 2023 Festival.
1. The tagline of the upcoming edition - SEARCHING FOR YOURSELF - is part of the programme of the International Animated Film Festival ANIMATOR 2023, which will take place between 21st and 30th June 2023 in Poznan, Poland (21-25.06.2023 in cinema venue and 26-30.06.2023 online).
2. To the SEARCHING FOR YOURSELF programme section you can submit short animated forms in any technique (at least 51% of the film must be animated), not longer than 40 minutes, regardless of the release date.
3. All film submissions are free of charge. The creators and/or producers/distributors of the films submitted to the SEARCHING FOR YOURSELF programme section grant ANIMATOR Festival a non-exclusive, royalty-free, time and territory unlimited license to public screenings of said film as part of the SEARCHING FOR YOURSELF programme section in cinemas and/or online (online screenings will be held on a special, secure, remote festival streaming platform equipped with geoblocking and appropriate DRM protection). Screenings of the submitted films under the license can take place during the Festival both in cinemas and online.
4. Please submit the animations in the .MP4 or .MOV (codec H.264) video file format, in Full HD 1920x1080 (or higher) resolution to the following drive (login:; pass: AnImAtOrFeStIvAL1):
Alongside a short summary and 2 stills from the film sent to the following e-mail address: .
5. The selection of the submitted films to the SEARCHING FOR YOURSELF programme section at the ANIMATOR Festival 2023 will be decided upon by the Festival's Programme Team.
6. Submission deadline for the SEARCHING FOR YOURSELF programme section is February 7th, 2023.