Ticket valid for 90 minutes. On Saturday June 29th due to events taking place next to VR Showcase, VR experiences will be available at 1.30 pm, 5 pm and 6 pm (last entry)
The proposed review of Virtual Reality experiences heralds an extraordinary journey into a fantastic immersive world, being a presentation of technological achievements, artistic directions and diversity of visual aesthetics of Dutch creators.
The Netherlands is currently at the forefront of VR production in the world. The presented experiences premiered at the Venice International Film Festival (Venice Immersive) or Documentary Films in Amsterdam. Virtual reality experiences are increasingly entering the world of film. this year's Cannes Film Festival was the inauguration of the Immersive Competition dedicated to VR productions.
The VR Showcase at Animator 2024 is curated by Stanisław Liguzinski - lead programmer of the VR Imagine Film Festival in Amsterdam, coordinator of research initiatives for the “Research in and Through Cinema” master's course at the Dutch Film Academy, video-essayist, curator of film and XR (immersive) programs for international film festivals and cultural institutions. He collaborates with the vnLab Film Essay Studio in Łódź.