Since 2017, Animator Festival carries the Oscar® qualifying status from the American Film Academy. This means that a short film that wins the Festival’s Grand Prix, the Golden Pegasus, is on a fast track to being considered for an Oscar® nomination in the Best Animated Short Film category and can compete for this prestigious award.
Baigal Nuur/Lake Baikal, reż./dir. Alisi Telengut, Kanada/Canada, 2023, 8’56”
Bergamot, reż./dir. Yanqi Liang, Chiny/China, 2023, 6’37”
Braided, reż./dir. Chenxi Zhang, USA, 2023, 6’19”
CookedFellas, reż./dir. David Sick, Niemcy/Germany, 2023, 5’00”
Eeva, reż./dir. Lucija Mrzljak, Morten Tšinako, Estonia, 2022, 15’30”
ME, reż./dir. Don Hertzfeldt, USA, 2024, 21’00”
O/S, reż./dir. Max Hattler, Niemcy/Germany, 2023, 5’00”
Papa, reż./dir. Lucas Toornvliet, Niderlandy/Netherlands, 2023, 4’31”
PURGA, reż./dir. Gintarė Valevičiūtė Brazauskienė, Antanas Skučas, Litwa/Lithuania, 2023, 13’21”
Rekonstrukt, reż./dir. Gabor Urlich, Węgry/Hungary, 2023, 4’04”