Meet the Festival’s youngest group, the Children’s Jury!

We are thrilled to introduce an exceptional group of Animator Festival jurors - the Children's Jury! They are enthusiastic young enthusiasts and lovers of animation, who will evaluate the films presented at the Festival with passion and commitment.
The Children's Jury is an extraordinary opportunity for the youngest participants and attendees of the Festival to express their opinions and feel part of the great world of animated cinema. Children between the ages of 6 and 12, full of creativity and with a fresh perspective on the art of animation, judge the films and award prizes in a special category.
Meet this year's Children's Jury:
FRANEK PODBOROWSKI - Born in 2015, a student at Emilia Waśniowska "Łejery" Primary School No. 83 in Poznań. A participant in the animation workshop ANIMATOR OF TOMORROW 2024, his passion is drawing. He claims that "creativity is a matter of time". Enthusiast of good food, good music but most of all good, imaginative cinema. Passionate about history, especially the World War II period. Loves Poznań with all his heart. Claims that it is the best city in Poland.
BASIA KORDYLEWSKA - first-grader. Always on the move, always ready for action. Sociable, active girl scout, sailor and, until recently, a soccer player. Artistically, she excels at making wonders out of plasticine and play-doh, drawing and creating houses and furniture out of whatever materials are available, as well as telling stories from real life using various building blocks and action figures. She is a fan of Miś Zbyś, Borsuk Mruk and Kot Mundek.
IGOR HAFKE – loves Pokémon – catching them and collecting cards. He is hooked on "One Piece" and "Hanako" manga series. He likes Miyazaki's animated films. He is interested in horror games and programming.
You can find Animator’s children’s movies in our programme.