5-6.10.2020, online

MONDAY 5.10.2020
10 a.m.
Polish animation in the times of pandemic. Panel discussion with Katarzyna Gromadzka, Robert Jaszczurowski, Marta Pajek and Grzegorz Wacławek. (PL – 60’)
Host: Marcin Adamczak
12.30 p.m.
Games that matter: a case study of VR game Another dream and Anoushka - Tamara Shogaolu, Ado Ato Pictures, Netherlands. (ENG – 20’)
About Another Dream and Anoushka:
Another Dream, a hybrid animated documentary and VR game, brings the gripping, true love story of an Egyptian lesbian couple to life. Faced with a post-revolution backlash against the LGBTQ community, they escape Cairo to seek asylum and acceptance in the Netherlands. An accompanying installation allows audiences to reflect on what they have seen, heard, and felt in VR.
Anoushka is an animated mixed reality (XR) experience inspired by the Black Girl Magic ethos and all Black girls around the world. In this interactive story, we follow Amara, a Black teenager from Amsterdam’s Bijlmermeer neighborhood, as she embarks on a magical journey of self-discovery through time and space. Amara must travel back in time and connect with generations of women that preceded her in order to save her grandmother and twin brother from a multi-generational family curse. She discovers her family’s ancestry and magical powers along the way and reconnects with her roots while also learning more about her present.
Animator PRO & Short Film Conference: The New Normal: Hybrid Audiences. Panel discussion with: Viviana Carlet (Lago Film Fest), Mischa Haberthuer (Fantoche International Animation Film Festival), Emilia Mazik (Short Waves Festival) & Anne Gaschütz (Filmfest Dresden).
Host: Sébastien Simon (Short Film Conference & Busan International Short Film Festival).
This talk will be stream also on @FestivalAnimator profile on Facebook.
Over the last couple of months, many words have been said on the so-called “new normal”, not only for our society as a whole but also in terms of organising (short) film festivals and public events. As we see ourselves forced to divide our dear attendees into an online and an offline group, we wonder how this affects our relationship towards the public and what this means for general audience anticipation, reach & development.
Are hybrid festivals really the new normal? Can we no longer ignore the potential online outreach? Do we still feel connected to our audiences in a virtual context? We’re excited to talk to representatives of three hybrid festivals to exchange experiences, ideas and future outlooks.
4 p.m.
Games that matter: a case study of 11 bit studios productions: This War of Mine and Frostpunk. Paweł Miechowski, 11 bit studios, Poland. (ENG – 30’)
About This War of Mine and Frostpunk:
In This War of Mine you do not play as an elite soldier, rather a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city; struggling with lack of food, medicine and constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers. The game provides an experience of war seen from an entirely new angle.
Frostpunk is the first society survival game. As the ruler of the last city on Earth, it is your duty to manage both its citizens and its infrastructure. What decisions will you make to ensure your society's survival? What will you do when pushed to breaking point? Who will you become in the process?
5 p.m.
Games that matter. How they can change the World. Panel discussion with Tamara Shogaolu (Ado Ato Pictures), Paweł Miechowski (11 bit studios) and Raul Carvajal (Games for change). (ENG – 60’)
Host: Karolina Kołtun
TUESDAY 6.10.2020
12.00 p.m.
Green Filming. Sustainability in film production, Monika Głowacka, Łódź Film Commission, Poland. (ENG – 30')
Green filming in Łódź Film Commission:
Within the past few months, the Łódź Film Commission team has undertaken specific actions aimed to promote the idea of green filming. The first of these actions was the introduction of a dedicated entry to the regulations of the Competition entitled "Łódzki Fundusz Filmowy na rok 2020" (Łódź Film Fund for 2020), according to which the applicant should get familiar with the guidelines on sustainable film production developed by ŁFC – the guidelines. The Guidelines are a tool that allows developing selected areas of audiovisual production in terms of the possibility of introducing pro-ecological changes in them, e.g., in the field of transport, catering, organisation of a production office.
12.45 / 12.45 p.m.
When sustainable film production meets animation. Two case studies:
12.45 / 12.45 p.m.
Cleo animated series - Miguel Miranda, La Casa Animada, Spain. (ENG - 30’)
Miguel Miranda
Animation director. Degree in Fine Arts, University of La Laguna, and master in traditional and digital animation. Animator and concept artist in La Casa Animada, has participated in numerous national and international animation projects such as the series Entre niños, El Trotacuentos, Die Tigerentenbande or Club Piolet. The film Maxi the Adventurer, the short films Margarita or La Trompeta by Andrés Nieves. From 2014 begins to direct the animation of the first season of the Cleo series. He currently works as animation director of La Casa Animada, developing his own animation projects such as The Book of Dreams.
13.20 / 13.20 p.m.
Saving the planet, The Rainbow Penguin's way - Allan Bortnic, Tres Tercios, Chile. (ENG - 30’)
Allan Bortnic
Executive producer in Tres Tercios (production company, member of Animachi), focused on TV documentary series, producer of an award winning feature film at SANFIC 2018, and currently producing the stop-motion TV show Zander, winner of CORFO and CNTV funds.
14.30 Sustainable filmmaking - challenges and perspectives. Panel discussion with: Zuzana Bieliková (Slovak Film Commission), Concha Díaz Ferrer (The Tenerife Film Commission), Miguel Miranda (La Casa Animada), Allan Bortnic (Tres Tercios), Monika Głowacka (Łódź Film Commission). (ENG - 60’)
Host: Zosia Jaroszuk
Accreditations – to be anounced.
ENG – presentation and panel discussions held in english
PL - presentation and panel discussions held in polish
If You want to take part in Animator PRO please create myAnimator account:, buy the accreditation online which allow You to take part in Animator PRO online conference and, in case of logging from Poland, also in online screenings of the 13th IAAF Animator!
If you have an Animator PRO accreditation one hour before the launch of Animator PRO, at the latest, you will receive an email from Eryk Skotarczak ( ) from the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, the person in charge of the technical aspects of the conference. The email will contain a link to the online conference. If you cannot see the email in your inbox, please check all other folders of your mail, including the SPAM folder.
If you have any questions, please send an email to: or call: +48 608 437 377.