14-15.07.2021, online
We announce the Animator PRO - an industry conference for film and animation professionals - program!
ENG – presentation and panel discussions held in English
PL - presentation and panel discussions held in Polish
14.07.2021 WEDENSDAY
Programming for and with audiences with disabilities
Panel discussion: Lizzie Banks & Matthew Hellett (Oska Bright Film Festival), Paulina Gul (Fundacja Kultury bez Barier), Joanna Piotrowiak (Kino Muza).
The panel discussion will be translated to Polish Sign Language by Bernard Kinov and streamed on the Animator Festival channel on Facebook.
Partners: Independent Cinema Office & Creative Europe, British Council
Host: David Sin (Independent Cinema Office), ENG, 60’
15.07.2021 THURSDAY
How the pandemic has changed film distribution models and audience preferences?
Panel discussion: Marlena Gabryszewska (mojeekino.pl), Marynia Gierat (Kino Pod Baranami), Cezary Kruszewski (Next Film), Mariusz Spisz (Multikino).
Host: Marcin Adamczak, PL, 60’
ALICE: Prospects for co-production and distribution of animated series in Poland and Europe
Panel discussion: Robert Jaszczurowski (GS Animation), Jakub Karwowski (Letko), Agnieszka Kowalewska-Skowron (Momakin), Monika Krążyńska (EGoFILM), Jordi B. Oliva (Imagic TV, PROA), Grzegorz Wacławek (Animoon).
ALICE: what has been done and achieved for the animation industry. Host: RARR S.A. 90’
The panel discussion will be streamed on the Animator Festival channel on Facebook.
Partners: Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (as part of the ALICE project), Polish Animation Producers Association – SPPA
Host: Zosia Jaroszuk, ENG, 90’
Zoom on the carbon footprint of video. Presentation
Speaker: Joanna Murzyn (Radicalzz), ENG, 40’
AI, VR, AR, or new technologies in arts, film and entertainment. The future of audiovisual media at a time of new technologies
Panel discussion: Peter Burr, Justyna Supernak (Platige Image), Ivona Tautkute (PJATK).
Host: Aleksandra Przegalińska, ENG, 60’
Post-covid survival guide to the animation industry. Presentation
Host: Alex Pelletier, ENG, 60’ /
British Council www.britishcouncil.pl/
Independent Cinema Office & Creative Europe www.independentcinemaoffice.org.uk
Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. w ramach projektu „ALICE” www.interregeurope.eu/alice/
Stowarzyszenie Producentów Polskiej Animacji https://sppa.eu/