W tegorocznym programie 15. Festiwalu ANIMATOR mamy niezwykłą przyjemność zaprezentować Wam twórczość ukraińskich animatorów i animatorek nagrodzonych na LINOLEUM Contemporary Animation and Media Art Festival. Jest to niezwykłe przedsięwzięcie, które od 2014 roku wspiera i promuje ukraińską sztukę animacji. W tym roku, bardziej niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej, potrzebują Waszego wsparcia, by kontynuować tę misję, nawet w obliczu wojny.
Z prośbą o pomoc w gromadzeniu funduszy na najnowszą edycję festiwalu zwraca się do Was Dyrektor Programowa Festiwalu - Anastasiya Verlinska.
Dear friends,
For the past 8 years, LINOLEUM has tried to build and develop the animation industry in Ukraine, showcasing the world's best animation and gathering foreign and Ukrainian professionals in Kyiv. We created numerous projects and opportunities for our animators to be seen and heard.
In these horrific times, we believe that culture can still serve as a minor distraction and therapy for those in need. Also, we believe that stopping is a wrong decision. We are still actively seeking funding. But as we can't put off preparing any longer, we need your financial support to make LINOLEUM happen one more time. We’ve already finished the selection process and need funds to translate and subtitle all the selected film into Ukrainian, create design, texts and interviews, hold lectures and master classes and promote them on social media.
In 2022 the festival's concept remains the same, but disclosed in the context of modern trends in animation and events we are now facing. Unfortunately, we cannot predict how long the war will last in our country, so all the screenings and educational program will be held online on the biggest Ukrainian VOD platform MEGOGO just like it happened in 2020.
You can financially support LINOLEUM using the details below:
PayPal PayPal.Me/linoleumfestival
Adres: Zakrevskoho St. 22, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02232
Numer ID: 44115128
IBAN: UA683226690000026002300672797 (EUR, USD)
VAT No.: 441151226520
Bank: Main administration in city Kyiv and Kyiv area Public Joint Stock Company State Savings of Ukraine (JCS Oschadbank)
MFO (sort bank code): 300465
EDRPOU bank code: 00032129
Tytuł przelewu: Donation on statutory activity of LINOLEUM, NGO